Short Fiction
‘Seven Theories on Not Being Remembered,’ - Wigleaf
‘Portal,’ - The Florida Review
‘Red Phosphorous,’ - FSG Work in Progress
‘Hydrophobia,’ - Contra Viento
‘Alien Hunters,’ - Tin House
'Western Medicine,' - Hobart
'A-Side, B-Side,' - Gulf Coast
'The Nephew,' - Entropy
‘An Unofficial Ranking of Colophons,’ - Lit Hub
‘The Casket Maker’s Fortune,’ - Bright Wall / Dark Room
‘The Curse of Memory: Yoko Ogawa’s The Memory Police,’ - Los Angeles Review of Books
‘Tragicomedy of Evening in Paradise by Lucia Berlin,’ - Los Angeles Review of Books
‘To Dust You Return: on Terese Svoboda’s Great American Desert,’ - Los Angeles Review of Books
Other Things
'Cobra Commander,' poem - Cartridge Lit
'There Are Things Grandpa Doesn't Know,' essay - Brevity
'Hurricane Or Grandparent?' list - McSweeney's Internet Tendency